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Microsoft 365 Sync


The Microsoft 365 Sync App enables bidirectional synchronization of events between Microsoft Calendar and 1Relation.


Before individual users can synchronize their calendars, the Microsoft 365 Sync App must be installed by an administrator or user with necessary permissions. Refer to the installation guide for detailed instructions.

User Setup

Follow the steps below to synchronize your Microsoft Calendar with 1Relation:

Step 1: Access Account Settings

Navigate to Account Settings through the top navigation bar.

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Step 2: Connect to Microsoft

In the General tab, click on Connect to Microsoft.

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Step 3: Approve the Connection

Log into your Microsoft account and approve the connection to complete the integration.

Integration with 1Relation Apps

Once the sync is set up, events can be displayed and managed in compatible 1Relation apps, such as the calendar app.

Security and Data Handling Document

1. Data Collection

  • Users connect to Office 365 via Microsoft Login, where 1Relation is a verified publisher.
  • User permissions are clearly outlined by Microsoft, without the option for custom selection.
  • Organization approval is required before user acceptance.
  • Upon acceptance, Microsoft generates an authorized access key for data retrieval.

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2. Data Processing

  • Calendar events from O365 are matched, updated, or newly created in 1Relation.
  • Data is encrypted before storage and never stored in decrypted form.
  • Unique IDs from Microsoft ensure the identification and update of synchronized data.

3. Data Storage

  • Synced data is stored in a Denmark-based database with restricted access.
  • Compliance with GDPR and other data protection regulations is ensured.

4. Data Distribution and Security

  • Encryption in Transit: Data from O365 is encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols.
  • Data Encryption: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is used for database storage.
  • Access Control: Strictly controlled and limited to authorized users.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conducted to identify and mitigate potential threats.

5. Compliance and Data Protection

  • Adherence to GDPR and other data protection laws.
  • Involvement of CISO and IT security in formalizing security measures and protocols.