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How to configure things

Everything in the Flow platform can be configured to work exactly how you want it in the idea of people and companies work differently, and no one should be forced to work a way just because the IT-system is designed in a certain way.

The side effect of this, is that there is a lot of configuration options. The documentation you are reading right now will help you with that.


We are working hard to make configuration as easy as possible, but you will sometimes be faced with the need to do some low coding. The documentation will explain all you need to know. Just search for whatever you are trying to do, and there should be some examples helping you.

Please reach out if you need help at

No code / UI configuration

Self explanatory. Most places when opening settings eg. for a module, tab, widget and so on, you will be presented some fields. Fill out the fields. If you need help look at the documentation to get a detailed explanation to how the specific field works and what it does.


Some fields are directly connected with a low code editor. Though it does not require coding, sometimes the field can both be written with low code or edited with no code.

Low code configuration

When its needed a editor will be presented for you to configure something with low coding. While we aim to avoid the need of low coding, sometimes its required for complex configuration or new features that doesn't yet have UI configuration options.

Low coding is done with JSON. When coding, our editor will help you the best it can by giving suggestions and letting you know if there is an known error.

While JSON can be a little scary, its generally very easy to read and write once you get the hang of it. We suggest using something like Copilot or ChatGPT to help with formatting or even reading our documentation and helping you.