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The items component in the form's JSON structure is essential for:

  1. Populating Form Fields: Pre-filling form fields with data fetched based on specified conditions.
  2. Performing Actions through Triggers: Manipulating items through CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functions as part of the form's operational flow.

Structure of items

KeystringYesThe variable name of the item, used later in fields or triggers.
ValuearrayYesArray of conditions for fetching or interacting with the item, specified as per the JSON Query Documentation.

JSON Example

Below is an example illustrating the items component with different item identifiers:

"items": {
"project": [
["id", "=", "[itemid]"] // Fetches the project with the current item's ID
"customer[]": [
["id", "IN", "[relation80]"] // Fetches multiple customers related by relation ID 80
"subtasks[]": [
["id", "IN", "[relation90]"], // Fetches multiple subtasks related by relation ID 90
["moduleitemtype_id", "=", "158"], // Further filters subtasks by module item type ID 158
["cf123", "=", "option_1000"] // Additional condition on a custom field

In this example:

  • The project item is fetched using the current item's ID, referred to as [itemid].
  • The customer[] item fetches multiple customers related to the current item by relation80.
  • The subtasks[] item fetches multiple subtasks related by relation90, further filtered by moduleitemtype_id and a custom field condition.

Item Commands

The commands used to define items are detailed below:

[itemid]The ID of the current item.
[relationXX]The ID of related items, where XX is the relation ID.

Example Usage in Forms

Populating Form Fields

"items": {
"project": [
["id", "=", "[itemid]"]
"customer[]": [
["id", "IN", "[relation80]"]
"subtasks[]": [
["id", "IN", "[relation90]"],
["moduleitemtype_id", "=", "158"],
["cf123", "=", "option_1000"]
"pages": {
"1": {
"name": "Info",
"fields": [
"key": {
"id": "project_name",
"name": "Project Name",
"required": true,
"cftype_id": 307,
"defaultValue": "[project.cf1234]"
"key": {
"id": "customer_contact",
"name": "Customer Contact",
"required": true,
"cftype_id": 305,
"defaultValue": "[customer.cf5678]"

In this form, the project_name and customer_contact fields are prefilled using data from the project and customer items respectively.

Performing CRUD Actions

"submit": {
"text": "Save",
"triggers": [
"then": {
"crud": {
"update": {
"project": {
"customfield": {
"cf1234": "post[project_name]"
"subtasks[]": {
"customfield": {
"cf5678": "post[customer_contact]"
"endflow": true

On submission, this trigger updates the project and multiple subtasks[] items with data entered in the form fields.