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Main Components


This documentation provides a detailed guide on the JSON structure used for configuring forms in FlowAgent. It is designed to assist system designers in understanding and applying the various components and configurations necessary for form creation and management. The documentation is structured hierarchically, starting with top-level components and delving into more specific elements and their properties. Each component is explained with its properties, types, and required values, followed by JSON examples for practical understanding.

Top-Level Properties

The JSON structure for forms is primarily divided into three top-level components: items, pages, and endflow. Each of these components plays a vital role in form configuration.

itemsobjectNoDefines the items that are associated with the form. This could include any data items that the form will interact with or manipulate.
pagesobjectYesContains the pages of the form. Each page can have its own set of fields, as well as submit and cancel actions.
endflowobjectNoSpecifies the behavior at the end of the form process, such as redirection or other post-submission actions.

JSON Example

The following is a simple JSON example illustrating how these top-level components might be structured in a form configuration:

"items": {
"project": [
["id", "=", "[itemid]"]
"pages": {
"1": {
"name": "Page 1"
"2": {
"name": "Page 2"
"endflow": {
"redirect": "item"

In this example:

  • The items object contains a single item, project, fetched using the current item's ID ([itemid]).
  • The pages object contains two pages, each identified by a sequential key and a name.
  • The endflow object specifies a redirect to the project item at the end of the form process.