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Files Widget

The Files Widget in 1Relation is designed to enhance the management and display of files such as pictures and documents. It supports file uploads from computers and mobile devices, making it a versatile tool for users.

Installation of widget

The Files widget is a separate app and needs to be installed before being available for use. Plase refer to the documentation for installing apps.

Add files widget to a tab

The Files widget has to be installed on a tab in order to be used. Follow the guide to learn how to setup the widget.

Through JSON

The Files widget needs to be configures with JSON. The settings allow for detailed control over the widget's appearance and functionality.

Widget Basic Configuration

heightintegerThe height of the widget in pixels (max 500).
iconstringThe icon used for the widget.
iconColorstringThe color of the icon.
iconBackgroundColorstringThe background color of the icon.

Files Widget Configuration

filesWidgetobjectConfiguration for interpreting file tags within the widget.
filesWidget Details
getWithTagsarrayTags for displaying files in the widget.
createWithTagsarrayTags automatically added when a file is uploaded.
additionalCreateTagsarrayTags presented to the user when uploading a file.

JSON Example

"height": 300,
"icon": "assignment",
"iconColor": "white",
"iconBackgroundColor": "orange",
"filesWidget": {
"createWithTags": [
"getWithTags": [
"additionalCreateTags": [

This JSON example is a file widget on a project with the id: 1234. "createWithTags": When uploading a file, it will be tagged with item[itemid](which is converted to item1234) and insepection. "getWithTags": When viewing, the configuration shows Files Tagged With:

  • item[itemid]: This instruction makes the widget display only the files that are tagged with the specific item you're looking at. (item1234).
  • item[relation77]: This inststruction makes the widget display the files from items related to the current item. In this case item[relation77] which is translated to item7878 "additionalCreateTags": When the user uploades a file, the widget will prompt the user to assign one of the included tags. In this case "Deviation", and "Corrected".


Uploading Files

Follow the guide for learning how to upload files from web or mobile

View, rename and delete files

Follow the guide for learning how to view, rename and delete files from web or mobile