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Managing users is a critical function within the 1Relation platform. This section outlines how to invite new users, manage existing users, and utilize various user-related features.

Accessing the User List

To manage users within 1Relation:

  1. Go to the "Users" tab in the Site Settings.
  2. You'll be presented with a list of active users.

User List Overview

Inviting Users

To add a new user to the platform:

  1. Click on the "INVITE" button.
  2. Enter the user's email address and assign them to one or more groups. Refer to the Groups documentation for details on user group permissions.
  3. Click "SEND" to dispatch the invitation.

Once invited, users will appear in the "Invites" tab. Upon completing their account setup, they will move to the "Active" tab.

Invite User

Managing Invitations

In the "Invites" tab:

  • You can track pending invitations.
  • Resend invitations if needed.
  • Cancel invitations before they are accepted.

Invited Users Tab

User Actions

For each user in the list, the following actions are available:

  • Login as user: Temporarily access 1Relation as the selected user to troubleshoot or provide support.
  • Reset password and send new login mail: If a user has trouble logging in, you can send them a password reset email.
  • Edit user: Modify user details or group assignments.
  • Archive user: Temporarily disable user access without deleting their account. Archived users can be reactivated later.

User Actions

After making changes to a user's account or group assignments, ensure you "SAVE" to apply the updates.