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Endflow and Redirection

The endflow component specifies the behavior when the form flow concludes, such as redirection to a specific page or item. It can be set globally for the entire form or specifically within a trigger.

Default Behavior

When no specific endflow is defined, the form will automatically choose an action based on available information in the following order:

  1. Go to Defined Item: Redirects to the first predefined item in the Items Array.
  2. Go to Created Item: Redirects to a newly created item from the form's triggers.
  3. Go to Start Item: Redirects to the starting item (the item on which the form was initiated).
  4. Go to Dashboard: Redirects to the dashboard as a fallback option.

Global Endflow

Global endflow is defined at the end of the document and applies to the entire form.


PropertyDefault ValueDescription
redirectN/ASpecifies the redirection target (see commands table).
redirect_uriN/AUsed with uri command to define a specific URI for redirection.

Example - Global Endflow

"endflow": {
"redirect": "item"

In this global endflow example, the form will redirect the user to the starting item upon completion.

Trigger-Specific Endflow

Endflow can also be set within a trigger, overriding the global endflow. This is useful for specific outcomes necessary for a trigger.


PropertyDefault ValueDescription
endflowfalseEnds the form when the trigger is activated and calls endflow_redirect if defined.
endflow_redirectN/ASpecifies the redirection target for the trigger-specific endflow.
closeModalfalseCloses the modal upon form completion. Other endflow commands will be ignored.

Example - Trigger Endflow and Redirection

"submit": {
"triggers": [
"then": {
"endflow": true,
"endflow_redirect": "itemkey.item1"
"endflow": {
"redirect": "uri",
"redirect_uri": "/item/12345"

In this trigger-specific endflow example, the form ends and redirects to "item1" upon trigger activation.

Endflow Commands

The following commands are available for both global and trigger-specific endflows, offering precise control over the navigation after form interaction:

backReturns the user to the previous page. Typically used in multi-page forms to navigate backward.
dashboardRedirects the user to the dashboard. Ideal for concluding a form process and returning to the main menu.
itemRedirects to the starting item, requiring that the form was initiated from a specific item.
uriDirects the user to a specified URI, allowing for custom redirection paths. Applicable only in global endflow settings.
itemkey.[item]Redirects to a specific item defined in the form's flow. itemkey refers to the unique identifier of an item within the form, allowing for directed navigation post-submission.
closeModalCloses the modal upon form completion.

Endflow Command Examples

Endflow Command: back

"endflow": {
"redirect": "back"

In this example, the form will navigate the user to the previous page upon completion.

Endflow Command: dashboard

"endflow": {
"redirect": "dashboard"

In this example, the form will redirect the user to the dashboard upon completion.

Endflow Command: item

"endflow": {
"redirect": "item"

In this example, the form will redirect the user to the starting item upon completion.

Endflow Command: uri

"endflow": {
"redirect": "uri",
"redirect_uri": "/specific-path"

In this example, the form will redirect the user to a specific URI upon completion.

Endflow Command: itemkey.[item]

"endflow": {
"redirect": "itemkey.newItem"

In this example, the form will redirect the user to the item with the unique identifier newItem upon completion.

Endflow Command: itemkey.[item]

"endflow": {
"closeModal": true

In this example, the form close the modal and redirect the user to where the form was initiated.