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How to Create Dynamic Values for a Custom Field

Dynamic Values are a set of rules that generate a value based on predefined criteria. These rules can be static, number-based, date-based, or derived from relation fields. When set up, Dynamic Values ensure that a value is generated and assigned to a chosen custom field. This is particularly useful for assigning user-friendly identifiers, such as customer IDs, project IDs, or task IDs, rather than relying on database IDs.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Navigate to Module Settings

  1. Navigate to Module settings.

Step 2: Open the Dynamic Values Section

  1. Click "Dynamic values".

Step 3: Create a New Dynamic Value

  1. Click "CREATE".

Step 4: Assign a Name

  1. Assign a name for the dynamic value.

Step 5: Choose a Custom Field

  1. Choose a custom field the dynamic value should be added to when an item is created.

Tip: The custom field you choose should be of a type that is able to hold the information generated by the system. If you are unsure which to choose, a "String" type field is the most versatile.

Step 6: Select Relevant Module Item Types

  1. Choose which module item types the dynamic value is relevant for.

Step 7: Ensure Uniqueness

  1. Select "Unique value" if you want the system to ensure no two equal values are generated.

Step 8: Generate Value Configuration

  1. To easily generate a value configuration, use the chat functionality and press send.

Step 9: Preview Generated Values

  1. The system will now show a preview of the next 10 values to be assigned. This will ensure the result you are looking for is achieved.

Step 10: Edit Configuration Directly in JSON

  1. You can also change the configuration directly from the JSON editor.

Step 11: Save the Dynamic Value

  1. Press "Save" to finish.

Step 12: Verify Creation

  1. The new Dynamic value is created.

JSON Configuration dynamic value

Dynamic Value Object

rulesArrayAn array of strings storing the value each rule generated last time
lastOutputstringThe last generated value is stored for reference; it has no functional meaning


There are multiple types of rules, each with its own set of parameters. A combination of rules allows for the creation of unique Dynamic Values.


"rules": [
"type": "static",
"value": "Any freetext value"


"rules": [
"type": "number",
"stepSize": 1,
"direction": "asc", // asc or desc
"start": 1,
"zeroPad": 0


"rules": [
"type": "date",
"format": "Y-m-d",
"stepSize": 0,
"stepSizeType": "day",
"direction": "asc", // asc or desc
"start": "today" // use a date or e.g., today/yesterday/tomorrow

Format, stepSizeType and start accepts valid PHP date formats. For more information, please visit PHP Date Formats