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How to create a Module Customfield

This guide will walk you through the steps to create a module customfield in FlowAgent.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Navigate to Module Settings

  1. Navigate to Module settings.

Step 2: Open the customfields Section

  1. Click "Customfields".

Step 3: Create a New customfield

  1. Click "add CREATE".

Step 4: Enter Main Properties

Name and Type

  1. Choose a name for this customfield.

  2. Choose the type of field suited for your need.

Required and Searchable

  1. Choose whether the field should be required before an item can be created.

  2. Choose if the value of the field should be searchable throughout the system.

Assign to Item Types

  1. Assign the customfield to one or more module item types.

Step 5: Set Optional Properties

Default Value

  1. Choose a default value that will be automatically assigned when creating an item.

Field Locking

  1. Choose whether the field should be locked when the customfield is created.

  2. Choose if the field should be unlocked only when creating the item, and not when editing afterward.

Step 6: Save the customfield

  1. Click "save SAVE".


  • Choose a descriptive name to clearly identify the customfield.
  • Select a field type that best suits the data you need to capture.
  • Consider the implications of making a field required or searchable based on your business needs.

Common Issues

  • customfield Not Created: Ensure all required fields are filled out before saving.
  • Field Not Searchable: Double-check the searchable option if it doesn't appear in search results.